Monday, March 28, 2011

Watershed Background....

The World of Rivers.

Calculating Impervious Surface Area on the Western Carolina Campus: Your group will need to work together to calculate all impervious surface area. This includes rooftops, sidewalks, roads, and anything else that would block the infiltration of precipitation into the ground. This assignment will be worth the equivalent of 5 quiz grades or 50 points, so do a good job. There will also be calculations as we start to get a handle the surface area measurements and storm water calculations. Final group assignment will be due on Arbor Day.

Link to Campus Map

Assigned Sectors
  1. Sector 1: B1, C1
  2. Sector 2: B2, C2
  3. Sector 3: B3, C3
  4. Sector 4: B4, C4
  5. Sector 5: D3, D4
  6. Sector 6: D2, E2, E3, A2, A3, A4, A5, B5, C5, D5

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